Technical SEO Service

You may have an impressive website that is wonderfully designed and has engaging content, but still does not rank at the top in search results. Generally, this is because of technical issues that make it difficult for a search engine to render, crawl, rank, and index your content. Our team at Loopex Digital will find what is preventing your growth and help solve the issues that are slowing you down, with our specialist technical SEO services.
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What is “technical SEO” and how does it work?

Generally, technical SEO has two goals:

1. Help search engines render, crawl, rank, and index your content easily and without barriers.

2. Give the best possible user experience without people having to address any technical issues.

Once you have all the technical issues solved, Google can effectively assign and weight the various ranking factors to your website and give rank to each of your keywords relative to a certain page.

Why technical SEO matters

In reality, the majority of business owners do not pay much attention to the technical health of their websites. As such, many technical problems tend to slip through the cracks, sometimes for many years. These minor problems can develop into big problems, given time, and ultimately harm the ranking of your site.

Search engines keep on getting smarter and smarter when it comes to indexing, crawling, and understanding information on your site; however, they are still far from being perfect. If the search engines are having difficulty figuring out the purpose of your site or what searchers desire in relation to your site, they will simply overlook your webpage. Today, search engines are favoring websites that provide high value and user-friendly experiences. This highlights the fact that it is critical for businesses today to have a stable digital base which begins with technical SEO.  

Like every building needs a solid structure and foundation, every site on the web requires tangible technical SEO work. By fixing the technical issues you can increase the performance of your site and ensure that it ranks ahead of competitors in your field.

What are the most common issues we see

Accessibility and findability Issues:

  • Robots.txt blockages
  • Outdated and broken XML sitemaps
  • Misuse of noindex and
  • nofollowtags
  • Broken external and internal links
  • Crawl and index errors
  • HTTP to HTTPS migration errors

Content related technical issues:

  • Canonicalization canonical
  • Tag misformation
  • Douplicated content
  • Orphaned content
  • Unoptmized meta data
  • Wasted crawl budget

Site architecture issues:

  • Poorly fefined site navigation
  • Indexed pagination and tag pages

URL Issues:

  • Overopimized and underoptimized URLs
  • Poor internal linking
  • Non-descriptive or overused anchor text
  • URLs available under multiple protocols
  • Long redirect chains
  • Crawl depth issues
  • Links hidden in JavaScript

Core Technical Issues:

  • Slow loading times
  • Poor mobile performance
  • Unreponsive design
  • Image optimization

Why choose our technical SEO services?

While there are various web developers and designers out there who can create an appealing website, not many people (or companies) have the SEO experience and the technical know-how to correctly configure your website for search engines. Our technical SEO wizzes conduct a deep technical audit to find all the issues that are slowing down your organic search potential. We then put together an actionable plan to better the performance of your website. Our expert team creates successful strategies to solve technical SEO issues and to safeguard your site from changing algorithmic updates.

We want our clients to be fully aware of how their website is performing in search results. That’s why we make our expert analysis and insights transparent and pass on our knowledge during weekly calls and in-depth reports:

1. Technical SEO reporting. We give our clients an in-depth report every week to show them any warning/errors we discovered through a technical audit. We also outline how we solved the issues. We provide recommendations for the developers so they can resolve issues connected to the back-end of the website.
2. Friday recap calls. Each Friday we make time to meet with our clients to make certain that the communication between Loopex Digital and our clients is seamless. We want to ensure that our clients are totally satisfied with the progress of our technical SEO. We understand that smooth communication is a central component of an effective SEO campaign and that’s why once a week we dedicate time to ensuring everyone is pleased with the progress being made.

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What our Technical SEO Includes

Technical audit

We begin a thorough audit of your website to unmask all the technical issues. We then compile an in-depth list of every issue and how each issue should be dealt with and solved.

Backlink analysis

Conducting an assessment of your backlink profile is a central component of our technical audit, which strives to determine the quality of your backlinks and recommend disavowing links if necessary.

Competitor analysis

We identify and examine the competition to compare authority and backlinks, find link-building opportunities so you can get a competitive advantage.

Speed optimization

Speed is essential for Google and users. Sometimes a website is too heavily coded or images are not optimized and this can slow it down. We can make modifications to optimize the speed of your site which will decrease bounce rates and create increased page stay times.

Schema markup optimization

Applying schema markup assists search engines. It helps them gain a better understanding of your content and can prompt improved search results including rich snippets, or featured snippets.

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Our SEO Proccess

Technical SEO Audit
Keyword Research and Analysis
On Page SEO Optimization
Content Strategy and Implementation
Strategic and Scalable Linkbuilding
Social Signals

Our SEO Proccess

What is SEO and how does it work?

We make sure to use only the most distinguished SEO tools available in the industry to automate, streamline and optimize specific tasks. These include SEO software for keyword research, SEO audit, page speed optimization as well as tools suggested by Google. Some examples of tools are SEMrush, Moz, Ahrefs, KW Finder, Screaming Frog and many more. These tools take care of repetitive manual tasks and give us accurate data to work with. Thanks to these tools we have more time to focus on other important aspects of SEO that need our professional attention.

What is an SEO Service Provider?

A company that offers SEO services to websites is an SEO service provider. They are responsible for handling Search Engine Optimization of a certain business. An SEO service provider has the goal to boost their clients’ website ranking, using the keywords that will bring them the most money in their sector. After identifying and researching niche keywords,  they will put a strategy in place to make sure the business gets a consistent flow of organic traffic.

What should you consider before choosing an SEO Service Provider?

The most important thing you should try to understand is their track record. Ask yourself the following questions: What companies have they worked with? Who are they currently working with? What kind of experience does the company have in getting results? It is important to choose to work with a company that focuses solely on SEO.

There are many companies out there that offer full digital marketing services. But while they may offer a wide variety of services, they probably lack a deeper level of expertise focused on SEO. We only offer SEO services because that’s what we are experts in. That is why we are so confident in our ability to provide tangible results. Before choosing an SEO service provider, take a look at their success stories to understand their level of experience and how they handle SEO in particular.

How do I analyse SEO for my website?

We recommend using one of the many tools available online aimed at analyzing your website’s SEO health. Search for tools on Google that offer analysis and provide you with a health score. Many of these websites also offer some tips on what steps you can take to improve your SEO health score.

How does SEO help business?

The short answer? Organic traffic! More specifically, consistent and free traffic. Once you invest in SEO, you are set to get consistent traffic towards your business. SEO is not an overnight quick fix. It is a long process that takes time and dedication. You will likely begin feeling the results in about 2-3 months, but it is an investment that you won’t regret making. With proper SEO you can expect long-term results and a major increase in organic traffic.

Is SEO Important in 2019?

Practices in SEO are always evolving, but if you are an online company who wants to receive targeted traffic, then SEO is very important. You need to try to diversify your traffic acquisition channels with a bit of social media traffic acquisition, a bit of paid traffic acquisition channels from Google, and most importantly, a steady flow of organic traffic. SEO is thriving in 2019 and won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

Should I hire an SEO company?

While it isn’t impossible to form an SEO team on your own, we wouldn’t recommend it. You would be saving yourself a lot of time and resources if you hire an SEO company. Why? Because SEO companies have already done the hard work of hiring experts who specialize in each aspect of SEO.  It is important to understand that SEO is not one-dimensional, but has many different layers.

There are many professions in SEO, such as content creators and managers, advanced keyword researchers, link building and digital PR experts and technical SEO professionals. Each professional plays an important role in executing his part of a successful SEO strategy. These professionals are hyper-focused and poised to guarantee the best results. 

Outsourcing some SEO tasks can be challenging, as you would have to be an SEO expert to be able to qualify the work done. You need an SEO strategist who can understand and take on the task of creating and implementing an SEO strategy that caters to your business’ needs. They have to be able to work closely with each SEO professional while keeping the big picture in mind.

What are the modern SEO services?

There are three main aspects of modern SEO services:
- Content Creation and Management
- Link Building and Digital PR
- Technical SEO

What does an SEO company report look like?

Company reports are usually made up of 4 parts:

Keyword Research and Content Management Report - This is important for understanding what keywords to target for your content and optimizing your content around those keywords.

Link Building Report - With this report, you will understand both the quantity and quality of backlinks that you get from unique domains.

Technical SEO Report - This report will reveal the SEO health of your website, helping you to understand what status your website has.

Ranking Report - This is important for understanding the trends and movement of your target keywords.

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