45 CRO Statistics You Can’t Ignore: 2024: Trends and Benchmarks

October 3, 2024
| Maria Harutyunyan
| 10 Min Read
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Research Summary

Have you ever wondered why so few companies excel at improving their conversion rates? Consider this: for every $92 spent on acquiring new leads, only $1 is allocated to retaining them. Surprising, isn't it?

So, where should you start if you want to see those numbers climb?

That's where diving into Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) statistics comes in handy. These stats show you what's working (and what's not) for businesses in 2024 and give you the scoop on the best strategies to turn those just-looking visitors into solid customers. These insights will redefine your approach to CRO, ensuring your investment in acquisition is not just spent but smartly invested for maximum return.

General Conversion Rate Optimization Statistics

In September 2023, "conversion rate optimization" became more popular. According to Google Trends, searches for this term reached their highest point, showing that many people are interested in learning how to improve their website's conversion rates.

The chart, displaying data from the last five years, shows a steady increase in people searching for the term, hinting that this trend might continue to rise.

conversion rate optimization term worldwide

Key Takeaways

  • Websites: The global average conversion rate is 3.68%, setting a standard for digital engagement. (Invespcro)
  • PPC Landing Pages: With an average rate of 2.35%, top-performing landing pages skyrocket to conversion rates of 11.45% or more, underscoring the importance of optimization. (Seedprod)
  • E-commerce: Fluctuations are notable, with average rates at 2.27%. In January 2024, conversion rates dropped to 3.32%, a notable decline compared to the holiday peaks in November and December 2023. (Yaguara)
  • Blogging: The average blog conversion rate is over 5%, with time spent on posts between 2 to 5 minutes. (Highervisibility)
  • Email: The average email CTR is 8.93% across industries, highlighting its effectiveness in driving engagement. (Knowledge Base)

Top conversion rate optimization statistics you should know

  • The B2B eCommerce average conversion rate stands at 1.8%.
  • The finance industry boasts an average conversion rate of 3.1%.
  • By 2025, approximately 30% of companies are expected to leverage AI to enhance their testing processes, a significant increase from the 5% reported in 2021.
  • The average conversion rates from SEO stand at 2.1% for B2C and 2.6% for B2B.
  • Exit pop-ups typically lead to an additional 2% to 4% increase in website traffic conversion.
  • 25% of businesses point to outdated technology as their primary challenge in improving website conversions.
  • The average conversion rates from webinars stand at 1.3% for B2C and 2.3% for B2B.
  • Showing clickable text CTAs in blogs can boost conversion rates by as much as 121%.
  • In the Food & Beverage sector, the average conversion rate stands at 2.6%(Ruler Analytics)

What is a Good Conversion Rate?

The conversion rate measures how often people do something you want after clicking on an ad or another part of your online space. What you want them to do—like clicking another link, downloading a white paper, or getting special offers—depends on your marketing plan. A conversion rate is calculated by dividing the number of completed actions (conversions) by the total number of clicks or visitors.  A higher conversion rate means your online marketing is doing well.

  • General Conversion Rates: About 1/4 of all accounts experience conversion rates of less than 1%. The median rate is 2.35%, while the top 25% of accounts achieve a conversion rate of 5.31% or more. Remarkably, the top 10% of Google Ads advertisers see conversion rates soaring at 11.45%. (Wordstream)
  • Website Conversion Rates: The average conversion rate for websites is 3.68%. However, the best-performing websites boast conversion rates of 11% or higher.  (Wordstream)
  • CRO Software Market: Valued at $1.98 billion in 2022, the conversion rate optimization software market is projected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 5.16%, reaching $2.83 billion by 2029. (Maximize Market Research

These statistics underline the significant variance in conversion rates across different platforms and the expected growth in the CRO software sector.

Elements of Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) builds on five key elements: A/B testing to identify winning strategies, user experience design to retain visitor interest, landing page optimization to encourage actions, persuasive copywriting to drive conversions, and analytics to pinpoint improvement areas. Together, these components form a comprehensive approach to turning more website visitors into customers.

General A/B Testing Stats for CRO Success

  • 77% of companies run A/B testing on their website.

A/B testing is a method to compare two options used to achieve the same thing to find out which offers better results. Businesses often use A/B tests to see which designs, including fonts and images, increase sales. This approach helps them figure out and fix problems that make customers leave before buying, such as confusing layouts, high shipping fees, or complicated checkout steps. (Adoric)

You can view the testing areas that companies use, presented in percentages.

A/B testing areas
  • 60% of companies A/B test their landing pages. (Invespcro)
  • 44% of businesses use split testing software.

Not all companies have access to automated A/B testing, and it's not common for the majority. However, a lot of software is available for analyzing statistics and running split tests. This software can help businesses improve their websites or email campaigns, which is crucial since only 22% of companies are satisfied with their conversion rates. (99firms)

  • Only 7% find A/B testing difficult.

A/B testing is a straightforward method that allows companies to choose between different features based on what users prefer. About 63% of companies find it easy to conduct these tests, according to A/B testing statistics. (Hubspot)

  • A well-designed user interface (UI) can increase a website's conversion rate by up to 200%, and a better UX design can achieve conversion rates of up to 400%.

Web professionals highly value improving conversion rates through website changes. Forrester's report suggests that enhancing UX design can lead to better conversions. A low conversion rate is a red flag; for example, if a page gets 10 million visits but only 1,000 buy something, the company isn't effectively using its traffic. Meanwhile, the best-performing 10% of Google Ads advertisers achieve an 11.45% conversion rate, as A/B testing ROI data highlights.  (99firms) (Forrester)

  • 75% of the top 500 online retailers employ A/B testing platforms.

A/B testing tools let companies figure out what's stopping people from converting. They also help get more value from the traffic they already have and make their websites nicer to use. That's why lots of online stores use marketing automation software. (Google TRENDS)

  • A/B tests need 25,000 visitors for statistical significance.

The size of your A/B test audience is important because you need enough people to see which version works better clearly. Not having enough data or clear results is why many A/B tests fail. (99firms)

UX Design Testing Stats

Did you know that 94% of the time, how people first feel about a website is all about its design? That's why the design is super important for setting the right expectations.                                                                                        

  • Every $1 invested in UX returns $100 (ROI = 9,900%).

How does UX design bring about such a high return? It combines factors, including lower customer acquisition costs, lower support costs, increased customer retention, and increased market share. (Adobe)

  • 39% of users will stop engaging with content when loading takes too long.

They expect websites to load fast; if yours doesn't, they'll likely skip to one that does. It's important to catch their attention quickly and keep them interested before they decide to leave. (Bluecorona)

  • Most people, about 85%, believe a company's mobile website should be as good as, if not better, its desktop version. Furthermore, 57% of online users state they wouldn't recommend a business if its mobile website is poorly designed. 

Today, it's important for all websites to be responsive. This means the website's layout adjusts to fit the screen size it's being viewed on, whether it's a mobile phone, tablet, or desktop. (Sweor)

  • Visitors who have a good experience on your website are more likely to return. 88% of users are less likely to return after a bad experience. (Hubspot)
  • Improving UX design to increase customer retention by just 5% can translate to a 25% rise in profit. (Harvard Business Scool)

A good UX design makes people feel positive about a brand, encouraging them to stick around. These loyal customers often buy more and spread the word about the brand, naturally growing the business and lowering marketing costs.

Content Optimization Testing Stats

Content optimization testing involves refining your website's content to make sure it's useful, informative, and meets the needs of those searching for it, ensuring it shows up in search results. It's about fine-tuning your content with the right keywords, multimedia, and other elements to appeal to search engines and real people.

  • The presence of UGC on a website can result in a 3.2% conversion rate, which jumps by an additional 3.8% when visitors interact with the UGC. (Wordstream)
UGC impact on conversion rates worldwide
  • Content marketers are increasingly successful. If you’re just now thinking about diving into content marketing, you have a 97% chance of success:
  • Just 3% of our respondents said their content marketing efforts were unsuccessful
  • That’s a considerable improvement over last year, when 9% of respondents said they were unsuccessful
  • 70 % of companies that succeed the most in content marketing measure content marketing ROI
  • 77 % of companies that succeed the most in content marketing are planning to increase their content marketing budgets in 2023
  • 55% more backlinks were generated by blog posts with 7+ images compared to those without
  • 61 % of companies that succeed the most in content marketing run content audits 2+ times a year
  • 70 % more traffic went to articles with at least one video versus articles without videos (Wordstream)

Call to action (CTA) optimization Testing Stats

What makes you click on a call-to-action (CTA) button? Is it the color, the message, or something else? CTAs are key for guiding users on websites and landing pages to take the desired step, like signing up or purchasing. Personalization is becoming a big deal online, from shopping recommendations to movie suggestions. This expectation extends to CTAs as well. In fact, Hubspot's analysis of over 330,000 CTAs found that personalized ones are 202% more effective than generic versions. 

  • CTAs as Anchor Text in Your Blogs Increase Conversion by 121%. (Hubspot)

Your CTA's success heavily depends on its design. If it doesn't grab attention, chances are it won't get clicked. For instance, SAP found that using orange for their CTA buttons increased their conversion rates by 32.5%. 

  • Helzberg Diamonds saw their click-through rate jump by 26% just by adding an arrow icon to their CTA buttons.
arrow CTA
  • Moreover, CTAs designed to look like buttons experienced a 45% Increase in Clicks.
shop now CTA button


In email marketing, CTAs serve as an essential link to prompting subscriber action. Including one clear CTA in emails boosts clicks by 371%, sales by 1617%. Email CTAs get an average click-through rate (CTR) of 3-5%. (Hubspot)

  • Keyword-optimized CTAs Increased Overall Conversion Rates by Up to 87%

An authoritative study on the impact of CTA button colors tracked how different colors performed regarding conversions, using a sample of 2,000 landing page visitors. Surprisingly, the red CTA button did 21% better than the green, challenging the researchers' initial expectations. But does this mean red buttons are the secret to successful web design?

  • Red CTAs Will Boost Your Conversion Rates by 21%. (Hubspot)
download button color
  • Customers are 16x more likely to share news about their purchase on social media if they see a CTA button on the post-purchase page.
  • Michael Aagaard, a conversion optimization consultant, increased the conversion rate of a long landing page by a staggering 304% by placing the CTA button at the bottom.
CTA button change
  • PartnerStack increased its conversion rate by 111.55% after tweaking its homepage CTA copy from “Book a Demo” to “Get Started.”
get started button

Average Conversion Rate Benchmarks

While conversion rates can vary significantly depending on the sector, device, platform, and country, having a general idea of these averages helps identify areas for improvement and set realistic performance goals. Let’s dive into specific conversion stats across industries, channels, devices, platforms, and regions to gain more insights.

Average conversion rate by industry

  • The average conversion rate across all fourteen industries is 2.9%. (Ruler Analytics)
  • Sporting goods have the LOWEST average eCommerce conversion rate by industry (2.35%). (Yotpo)
  • The latest survey and studies in 2023 show that the global average website conversion rate is 3.68%. (Invespcro)
  • The average conversion rate in the e-commerce market increased by 5.75% from 1.64% to 1.74% in February 2024 compared to February 2023.
  • E-commerce sites were the highest in the food and beverage sector, at 3.7 percent in the fourth quarter of 2023. (Irpcommerce)

Average conversion rate by country

The Conversion Rate by Country metric measures the percentage of users from a specific country who convert or take a desired action on a website or platform. This metric is useful in identifying where a website or platform is performing well in terms of user engagement and where improvements can be made to increase conversion rates. By understanding the conversion rate by country, businesses can tailor their marketing efforts and optimize their user experience to target specific geographic regions better.

During the fourth quarter of 2023, three percent of visits to e-commerce websites in the United Kingdom converted to purchases. In the Netherlands, online shopper conversion rates stood at 2.8 percent.

Average conversion rate by country

Average conversion rate by channel/source

Direct traffic sources have the highest average conversion rate of 3.3%. Paid search has an average conversion rate of 3.2%. Referral traffic converts at an average rate of 2.9%. Organic search has an average conversion rate of 2.7%, and email campaigns have an average conversion rate of 2.6%. Social media, on the other hand, has the lowest average conversion rate at 1.5%. (Convertica)

In October 2022, the sales breakdown in the e-commerce market by Traffic Channel was Paid Search Marketing at 53.8%, Direct at 23.9%, Affiliate Marketing at 11.7%, Email Marketing at 9.5%, and Paid Social Media Marketing at 1.1%. (Invespcro)

average conversion rate by channel

Average conversion rate by device

When we talk about conversion rates, it's not just about sales. Interestingly, while many people like to browse on their phones, they tend to feel more comfortable making purchases on their computers or tablets.

As of December 2023, the conversion rate on e-commerce sites was highest for tablet devices, with a rate of 3.1. With a conversion rate of 2.8, desktops were ranked second. The e-commerce sector had an overall conversion rate of 2.5.

average conversion rate by device

Average conversion rate by platform

According to Invespcro, Windows has the maximum average e-commerce conversion rate among all the platforms, at 4.9%.

average conversion rate by platform

Transforming Conversion Rates with AI

AI-driven CRO can be the secret sauce that transforms your efforts from average to amazing. AI helps you understand your target audience, create powerful marketing campaigns, optimize user experiences, and more. According to a study by Boston Consulting Group, companies that integrate AI into their marketing strategies see an average increase of 20% in their conversion rates.

How AI Changes Conversion Rate Optimization

AI revolutionizes CRO by enhancing customer insights, content creation, decision-making, and campaign optimization. It processes vast data quickly, identifying patterns and trends that make optimization precise and data-driven. For example, Unbounce’s Smart Traffic uses visitor attributes to direct them to the most effective landing page.

AI-Driven CRO Success Stories

  • Amazon Sellers and ChatGPT: Amazon sellers using ChatGPT for product listings have significantly improved. Rubin reported a jump in conversion rates for his products from 26% to 46% over eight weeks after using AI. (Landingi)
  • Real Estate Portals: Deloitte found AI chatbots increase real estate employee productivity by 20%, allowing focus on high-impact tasks. Chatbots can reduce customer support costs by 30% and are equally accepted as human agents by 40% of consumers. (Landingi)
  • Goldelucks: Goldelucks used AI for product page optimization, resulting in a 31.56% increase in orders. AI added benefit-driven descriptions and personalized recommendations, boosting engagement and conversions. (OptiMonk)
product page optimization


The statistics we've looked into highlight the transformative potential of CRO strategies, demonstrating how a data-driven approach can significantly boost conversion rates and profitability. To keep up with the competition, it's important for companies not just to understand these numbers but to use them actively in effective CRO plans.

Whether you're just starting or running a well-established company, using these insights in your decision-making process can significantly increase your success in improving website conversions. The digital landscape is constantly changing. It introduces fresh challenges and opportunities in CRO. Therefore, staying informed about these trends and statistics is important for anyone aiming to lead in their market.


  1. Adoric, General A/B Testing Stats for CRO Success, Accessed March 22, 2024,
  2. Bluecorona, 39% of users will stop engaging with content when loading time takes too long, Accessed April 3, 2024,
  3. Convertica, Average conversion rate by channel/source, Accessed March 30, 2024,
  4. CXL, Michael Aagaard increased conversion rate by 304%, Accessed March 28, 2024,
  5. Forrester, Report on UX design and conversion rates, Accessed April 1, 2024,
  6. Google, September 2023 Trends on Conversion Rate Optimization, Accessed May 10, 2024,
  7. Highervisibility, Blogging conversion rate insights, Accessed April 21, 2024,
  8. Hubspot, A/B Testing and CTA Statistics, Accessed March 31, 2024,
  9. Invespcro, PPC Landing Page Conversion Rates, Accessed May 1, 2024,
  10. IRPCommerce, Food & Beverage E-commerce Conversion Rates, Accessed April 19, 2024,
  11. Knowledge Base, Email CTR Statistics, Accessed May 22, 2024,
  12. Landingi, AI-Driven CRO Success Stories, Accessed May 3, 2024,
  13. Maximize Market Research, CRO Software Market, Accessed May 25, 2024,
  14. OptiMonk, Goldelucks AI CRO Case Study, Accessed May 17, 2024,
  15. PartnerStack, Homepage CTA Success, Accessed April 19, 2024,
  16. Ruler Analytics, Conversion Rate Optimization Statistics, Accessed April 5, 2024,
  17. Seedprod, PPC Landing Page Conversion Statistics, Accessed May 22, 2024,
  18. Statista, E-commerce Conversion Rates by Device, Accessed  May 29, 2024,
Maria Harutyunyan

Our blog covers a combination of industry trends and professional insights from behind-the-scenes experiences. We provide weekly updates on link building, content marketing, on-site and technical SEO, and more! Sign up for our newsletter and join our LinkedIn to be on top of industry trends!

Maria Harutyunyan
Our blog covers a combination of industry trends and professional insights from behind-the-scenes experiences dealing with every aspect of SEO. We provide weekly updates on topics such as link building, content marketing, on-site and technical SEO and more! Don’t miss any industry updates by signing up for our newsletter! You’ll also receive exclusive SEO strategies and learn about industry secrets like:

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