What is Pitchbox? A Detailed Guide to its Tools and Features

March 21, 2024
| Maria Harutyunyan |
10 min read
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Link-building and outreach is a time and effort-consuming activity. There are various tools to ease this process for those who are constantly in it.
One of those tools is Pitchbox. And ‘yes’ you are right, that’s exactly what we are going to discuss today.
You may be wondering what this tool is exactly, and how it works. Well, keep reading to find out!

Who is Pitchbox for?

Are you wondering if Pitchbox is the right tool for you? Let me provide a few details to put your mind at ease.

This tool is for you if you are working in a marketing team within a big brand, a marketing agency, or a consultant. In other words, it will perfectly work for anyone who’s looking to start an outreach program for any purpose.

Pros & Cons 

Customizable email outreach and link building strategies according to personal goals
All-in-one platform that reduces time spent on outreach
Search for relevant outreach prospects and generate leads on the platform
Easy campaign and strategy management
Accessible customer service for questions and concerns
Mastering all the features may take some time as the tool is a bit complex for a beginner
It may be costly for those on a budget
Lack of analytical metrics

Pitchbox Pricing and Billing

Pitchbox pricing is not something you can find on their website or the pricing page. If you are planning to use this platform for your outreach needs you should contact the support and ask for details. You may find different numbers on the web telling how much Pitchbox costs, but those numbers may be out of date, so the best is to contact the support anyway.

To get details about the pricing plans you can contact the support with the following email address: support@pitchbox.com

Pitchbox Features


The first section on the main menu of our Pitchbox tool is “Campaigns”. Here you will find the list of your active campaigns and their overall performance metrics. If you’ve created too many campaigns you have the option to filter through the list to find whichever you are looking for.

pitchbox campaigns

You can utilize these campaigns for any of your outreach goals. Here are the campaign types available on the platform:

  • Blogger Outreach
    - this will help you find and connect with influential bloggers
  • Resource Pages - you can use this to find resource pages in your industry

  • CSV Import - allows you to start a campaign by importing your own opportunities and data lists

  • Blog Category Search - helps you to find blog sites with relevant content and reach out to them

  • Product Reviews - helps you to find the sites that review products or services like your own

  • Cherry-pick - you can use this to look for opportunities in all of your other projects using filters

  • Roundups - this one is to help you find websites that post roundups and top 10s in your niche

  • SaaS Product Reviews - you can use this tool for SaaS link building by finding sites that write about Software as a Service products like yours
  • Link Removal - reach out to get rid of spam and unwanted links

  • Advanced Operator Search - you can use the advanced search using specific entitled, inurls and relevant keywords

  • Hot Off The Press - target and reach out only to blogs that have published in a 24-hour period


With Pitchbox, you won’t have to limit yourself to one campaign. You can set up multiple campaigns with different goals and strategies. All of these can simply be managed from the Pitchbox platform, so you won’t have to look to different places to achieve your goals. 

Contact database 

At the upper-right corner of your campaign section, you will see the ‘+ New Campaign’ button.
As soon as you click it, you will see the various options of campaigns that you can choose to work on.

When creating the campaign, Pitchbox will help you form a contact database of opportunities. These will be influencers who can be great for your marketing strategy. 

To get more details on how to start a new campaign check out the “Campaign Settings” documentation here.

pitchbox dashboard


The next section on our menu is Pipeline. With this tool, you can view all your important metrics. This includes the history and aging of your links and events, so you can compare different campaigns or previous months of the same campaign to see how well you are doing. 

Pipeline allows you to pinpoint what is helping your campaign grow or leading it to failure and utilize this know-how for further success.

Chasebox and ChaseUp 

When reaching out to your contact and opportunity list there is always going to be a need for follow-up emails. Chasebox is where you construct your email sequence. 

The emails will be sent automatically with your preset templates, and, in case of no response, the system will automatically send follow-up emails. The first person on your contact list for a specific opportunity will be the first to receive your emails. 

You will have the opportunity to sort, add, and rearrange the order of your contacts according to your preference. Your contact book is going to contain all the details for the outreach opportunities for all of your projects. 

When setting a ChaseUp you can also check out the Pitchbox support page to help you set up and fill in with more details about the tool. 

Unmatched emails 

The unmatched emails section is for those emails that aren’t registered in any of your opportunity lists. This usually happens when you contact the prospect through a contact form and they reply to you in an email, or you’ve emailed them without using Pitchbox and now they are replying to you. Another case is when you write to one email and you get a reply from the same person but another email address.

Any of these cases result in unmatched emails.

pitchbox unmatched emails

Why is this tool important?

You should go through this list very carefully and see which are spammy emails and which are valuable replies from your prospects. Otherwise, Pitchbox will keep sending automated follow-up messages to people who’ve already replied from another email address.

Link Monitoring

Next on our list is link monitoring. With the link monitoring dashboard, you will be able to see all the necessary statistics in one place.

This will show you the status of your links, how many links were acquired through each email, events such as when a certain link will be published, which are the links that you’ve lost, and so on.

To keep track of your link placements you can add the “Won” tag to the link. This means the outreach was successful and the link is live. In the report, along with the number of your “Won links” you can also see the win link rate that will give you a better understanding of how effective your outreach campaign is going. Here you will find detailed instructions on how to mark links as “Won”.

If there are spammy or unwanted links you want to get rid of, Pitchbox will help you remove those. All you have to do is import or manually enter a list of URLs, and this tool will help you contact webmasters to have these links removed.

Broken link discovery

Pitchbox will help you find broken links that link back to your website. The platform will also aid you in fixing these broken links. No more worrying about lost customers due to broken links.

pitchbox reports


In the report section, you will be able to manage and view all your data in one place. The types of reports available are:

  • Campaign Performance - With this report you will gain insights into your campaign progression and performance. Keep track of your opportunity count, outreach progress, won opportunities and much more. You can find more details about the campaign performance report here.
  • Client Report - This one will help you make great looking white-hat reports for your clients.
  • Team Performance - If you want to track and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of all your team members for better allocation this is the report you should check out. Learn how much exactly each of your team members put in time and efforts and what are the results. 
  • Custom Field Report - If none of the existing reports fully satisfy your needs you can create a personalized report according to the data you reacquire.

  • Segmenting Report - If you’re facing a dilemma you can use this one to segment your campaigns, content, emails and audience to compare different KPIs and see what works best for you. 
  • Management Report - With this report you can track and monitor your goals, the team’s activity and progress over time. Compare data from different months, quarters and years. 

Each of these will give you a thorough look at your campaigns, clients, team, trend management, or any other metric you intend to learn more about. 

If you want to read more about reports and metrics please go to the Pitchbox support page where they have it all explained.

pitchbox tasks


Every team works with certain tasks and deadlines. If you are using Pitchbox alone, you may want to use the Task section to monitor your deadlines and remind you of what you have to do with certain links and prospects. 

But it’s also fun if you are using it with your team. You can assign tasks to people, add deadlines, filter through everything, and make your work much more efficient than it was. 

Pitchbox Alternatives

Of course, Pitchbox isn’t the only link-management software out there. The most popular competitors and alternatives to Pitchbox are Ninjaoutreach, BuzzStream, BuzzSumo, and Mailshake. To make an informed decision about which to choose, read the detailed guides for each on our blog and find the one that best suits your needs.

Maria Harutyunyan

Our blog covers a combination of industry trends and professional insights from behind-the-scenes experiences. We provide weekly updates on link building, content marketing, on-site and technical SEO, and more! Sign up for our newsletter and join our LinkedIn to be on top of industry trends!

Maria Harutyunyan
Our blog covers a combination of industry trends and professional insights from behind-the-scenes experiences dealing with every aspect of SEO. We provide weekly updates on topics such as link building, content marketing, on-site and technical SEO and more! Don’t miss any industry updates by signing up for our newsletter! You’ll also receive exclusive SEO strategies and learn about industry secrets like:

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