2780% Boost in Organic Traffic for Eminent


Increase in organic traffic


Keywords in top 10 positions


Increase in domain rating

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Project Overview

Eminent specializes in high-quality, durable luggage and travel accessories. Their product range includes hard-shell and soft-shell suitcases, luggage sets, and business travel bags. The company manages its own manufacturing processes, which ensures strict quality control and cost efficiency.


The goal was to enhance their presence on search engines, drive more organic traffic to the website, and attract a targeted audience actively searching for luggage and travel accessories. Additionally, they aimed to increase conversion rates and optimize the website's structure and content for a seamless and engaging user experience.


Creating and Optimizing New Collection Pages

The client had never implemented SEO on their website, so we began with foundational strategies. Our first step was conducting thorough keyword research to identify target keywords relevant to their industry and audience. With these insights, we created dozens of new collection pages, each featuring keyword-optimized content, URLs, and metadata. 

This process was iterative. We continuously updated and refined these pages to keep pace with the brand’s evolving product lines and ensure ongoing alignment with their SEO goals.

Enhancing User Experience through New Navigation

To ensure all new collections were easily accessible to both search engine bots and users, we implemented several key strategies. We designed a new menu for intuitive navigation, established an internal linking system to connect relevant content, and organized the website structure for optimal clarity. This approach not only ensured efficient crawling by search engines but also enhanced the user experience by making it simple to find and explore the site’s offerings.

Silo Content Strategy

After optimizing the website with high-value keywords, we focused on finding the best informational keywords to create silo-type and standalone articles for the travel niche. This strategy aimed to increase brand awareness and user engagement with the website.

We published 15 articles on the topic "What X Product You Can Take on a Plane." The primary keywords for these articles had a combined search volume of over 24,000 in English. Another successful content angle was the "Packing List for X Location" topic. Both silo content strategies generated a significant amount of organic traffic to the website.

Market Localization

To maximize its market reach, Eminent opened new location subfolders to target different EU countries. We ensured each language variation was correctly ranked in its respective target market. We replicated the successful structure of our website, including collections and blog content, in these new subfolders. This strategy allowed us to rank easily in less competitive markets, generating organic traffic and increasing sales.

Ongoing Technical Audits and Fixes

We performed regular technical audits of the website and made essential adjustments to enhance its performance and ensure optimal functionality. 

A crucial aspect of our strategy was ensuring that each website ranked well in its specific target market without overlapping with other language-specific stores for the same keywords. This approach maximized search engine visibility and relevance for each market, preventing keyword cannibalization and ensuring effective localization.

High-Quality Backlinks

We implemented a targeted link-building strategy to acquire high-quality, niche-relevant backlinks from travel blogs. Through our efforts, we secured 401 backlinks from niche-related websites, each with an average Domain Rating (DR) of 42. This significantly enhanced the website’s domain authority and improved the rankings of competitive keywords.


2780% Increase in Organic Traffic

We began to observe traffic growth in the first month after launching new collections. Within two years of strategic implementation, organic clicks surged from 5,000 to 144,000, representing an impressive 2,780% increase, attracting a significantly larger audience to the website.

Eminent monthly organic traffic

12,262 New Keywords in Top 10 Positions

Due to our successful SEO strategy, including silo articles, new collection pages, and targeted market localization efforts, we achieved rankings for 12,262 keywords across all language stores. Starting from zero, this significant accomplishment underscores the effectiveness of our approach.

Eminent organic keywords

Currently, "What X Product You Can Take on a Plane” silo articles generate huge amounts of targeted traffic. They consistently rank in the first position and appear as featured snippets for 211 keywords in the UK, our primary English-speaking market.

Eminent top keywords

50% Increase in Domain Rating

Throughout the project, our link-building activities proved to be highly fruitful. We successfully secured 401 new backlinks from highly reputable travel-related blogs and websites. These high-quality links boosted the website’s authority, increasing its domain rating from 34 to 51.

Eminent Domain Rating

Domain Rating

51 from 34


Monthly Organic Traffic

144000 from 5000


Keywords in Top 10

12262 from 0


High-Quality Backlinks


Started SEO in

May 2022

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Domain Rating

51 from 34


Monthly Organic Traffic

144000 from 5000


Keywords in Top 10

12262 from 0


High-Quality Backlinks


Started SEO in

May 2022

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Consultation is free. No credit card required. Instant booking!

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Book a call with Maria, Head of SEO

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