273% Boost in SEO Organic Traffic for ProVape


Increase in organic traffic


Keywords in top 10 positions


Increase in domain rating

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Project Overview

ProVape is an online store that offers a wide range of vaping products and accessories. They sell e-cigarettes, vape kits, mods, tanks, and various e-liquids from popular brands. The website caters to both beginners and experienced vapers with a focus on high-quality products and a variety of options to match different preferences.


ProVape’s primary marketing strategy is SEO. Their goal is to grow organically as much as possible and drive more sales through improved online visibility. Their main focus is on disposable vapes and e-liquids.


Collection and Brand Pages Optimization

Our primary focus was on disposable vapes and e-liquids, which are currently experiencing a surge in popularity. By concentrating on these high-demand products, we capitalized on the growing market trend, driving significant traffic and conversions for our client.

We began with in-depth keyword research to identify the primary keywords each collection and brand page should target to attract the most relevant and valuable traffic. With these keywords, we optimized each page by refining meta titles, descriptions, headings, and on-page content.

Next, we identified gaps in the current collections by conducting detailed research and competitor analysis. This allowed us to identify missing collections and subcollections. We then developed and published these additions, optimizing them to improve search engine visibility and enhance user engagement.

Internal Linking Structure and Website Navigation

We identified the collection and brand pages that generated the most traffic and conversions. Next, we created new internal links to these pages with relevant anchor texts, which helped distribute link equity effectively and ensured users could easily access these important pages. We also updated existing anchor texts to target both primary and secondary keywords, improving keyword relevance and search engine visibility.

Our next step was to update the mega menu design and structure to make it more user-friendly and intuitive, facilitating easier and more effective navigation for our users. We restructured the menu to prominently feature the most important collections and brand pages. This strategic placement improved our internal linking efforts and helped users quickly find relevant products, enhancing their overall browsing experience.

To enhance user experience and SEO performance, we updated our product cards to be more user-friendly, informative, and technically optimized. We added clickable tags to redirect users to important collection pages, improving internal linking and increasing keyword density for those collections. Additionally, each product card features a brand tag, making it easy for users to navigate to specific brand pages. This approach reinforced our internal linking strategy and facilitated effortless exploration of related products within the same brand.

Ongoing Technical Audits

We conducted a comprehensive technical SEO audit to identify issues affecting the website’s performance and search engine rankings. The audit revealed problems with canonical tags, noindex directives, duplicate content, and schema markups. By addressing these issues, we improved the site’s SEO effectiveness and overall performance.

We addressed the challenge of managing out-of-stock products and discontinued brand pages by categorizing them into two groups: those with significant organic traffic and those with poor performance. For pages that still attracted organic traffic, we implemented 301 redirects to relevant collection pages, ensuring users were guided to alternative options and preserving a positive user experience. Pages with poor traffic were removed, as they did not align with our SEO goals. This process, involving around 2,000 pages, helped reduce the strain on Google’s crawling budget and streamlined the website’s architecture.

High-Quality Backlinks

We implemented targeted link building strategies to secure high-quality backlinks from niche-specific websites and blogs within the vaping industry. By focusing on contextually relevant backlinks, we bolstered the credibility and authority of our clients’ sites. This strategy led to securing 70 backlinks backlinks with an average Domain Rating (DR) of 48. As a result, ProVape’s domain rating improved significantly from 43 to 53, enhancing the website’s credibility, authority, and overall SEO performance.


273% Increase in Organic Traffic

We completely revamped the website's navigation, introduced numerous new collections and brand pages, and restructured the product pages' logic. These efforts resulted in a significant 273% increase in organic traffic, growing from 17,330 to 64,656 daily organic traffic.

Provape organic traffic

After optimizing all our disposable vape-related collections, introducing new subcategories, and fixing internal linking, we achieved a remarkable 2,870% increase in organic traffic. Weekly visits for these disposable vape-related collections grew from 573 to 17,027.

Provape vape collection organic traffic

Through our SEO optimization, the e-liquid collections saw a remarkable 1,186% increase in organic traffic, rising from 22 to 283 weekly visits. This significant growth underscores the effectiveness of our strategy in driving more traffic to these pages.

provape e-liquid collection traffic

74% More Keywords in Top 10 Positions

We achieved a remarkable 74% increase in the number of keywords ranking within the top 10 positions. Our keyword count improved from 17,330 to 64,656, highlighting the effectiveness of our optimization strategies.

provape organic keywords

23% Increase in Domain Rating

Within 13 months, the website’s Domain Rating (DR) increased from 43 to 53, marking a 23% growth. The acquisition of 70 high-quality, niche-relevant backlinks significantly boosted the website’s authority and credibility.

provape domain rating

Domain Rating

53 from 43


Monthly Organic Traffic

64656 from 17330


Keywords in Top 10

7812 from 4486


High-Quality Backlinks


Started SEO in

June 2023

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Domain Rating

53 from 43


Monthly Organic Traffic

64656 from 17330


Keywords in Top 10

7812 from 4486


High-Quality Backlinks


Started SEO in

June 2023

Book a call with the Head of SEO

Consultation is free. No credit card required. Instant booking!

Inspired by their success? Now your turn! Let’s achieve remarkable results together!

Book a call with Maria, Head of SEO

Consultation is free. No credit card required. Instant booking!