How to Create a Successful Blogger Outreach Program in 2023?

March 21, 2024
| Maria Harutyunyan
10 Min Read
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Finding bloggers … reaching out to bloggers … negotiating with bloggers …

All of those things are worth it BUT they also take a ton of time.

So we’re breaking down how to create a successful blogger outreach campaign the efficient way.

If you want to know more about how our agency can assist you blogger outreach campaigns, schedule a call with our Head of SEO now.

What is Blogger Outreach?

Blogger outreach is a strategy that builds relationships with bloggers in hopes of achieving SEO or content marketing goals. And it’s usually done by sending out personalized “pitches” via email or direct message (DM).

As well, blogger outreach can include influencers, publishers, and reporters as well. In general, though, blogger outreach targets niche-specific sites. This is because blogger outreach is a great method for planting backlinks where specific audiences already are.

For example, if you know your target audience visits Mashable every day, it’d be a good idea to earn backlinks from Mashable. The way to accomplish this is through the blog itself — which requires a connection. That’s where blogger outreach comes into play!

Why are Blogger Outreach Programs Important?

Blogger outreach programs are important because they work! And that’s because bloggers have loyal audiences. When they promote a product, service, or brand, their followers listen.

Why? Because bloggers built trust with their audience.

So when you recruit bloggers to promote you, you get to borrow that trust. It’s like social currency.

Bloggers get to share information with their readers. And you get to connect with their audience. It’s a win-win-win situation all around!

Plus, if we’re being honest, when you give bloggers free products … they’re less likely to rip apart your goods. And the better the review, the more sales you stand to make.

What to Consider BEFORE Launching a Blogger Outreach Campaign

Before you go emailing bloggers left and right, there are some key factors to think about. Here’s a list of the top seven points to consider before going all in on blogger outreach:

#1: Set a clear goal

First up, identify what you want the campaign to achieve. We suggest you choose a goal that’s measurable and/or trackable like:

  • Publish five guest posts in the next month
  • Earn twenty backlinks by the end of this quarter
  • Increase website traffic by 10% in the next six months

So on and so on. The goal you choose largely depends on the resources you have. If you plan to do all the outreach yourself, it will take longer to achieve such goals. But if you have an agency who can do it for you … well that can cut the timeline in half.

#2: Define success criteria

This is sort of like setting a goal but it’s more specific. These criteria determine whether or not your campaign was a success.

So let’s say your goal is to publish five guest posts in the next month. What else would you need to consider that a success? Common examples include:

  • Audience engagement
  • Blog comments
  • Increased traffic
  • Shares on social media
  • SEO metrics

#3: Identify targets

Not every blogger you reach out to will answer or say “yes”. So you have to have a long list of prospects — or bloggers you want to work with. This is the “quantity” part of the equation.

The “quality” part is carefully choosing which bloggers you put on that list. We recommend you research bloggers based on the following criteria:

  • Industry match
  • Audience overlap
  • High domain authority
  • Lots of traffic
  • Social media followers
  • Blog comments

You can use Google, social media, and even content explorers (like the one in Ahrefs) to find bloggers.

The goal here is to find quality bloggers who are relevant to your industry and/or niche.

Let’s say you’re in the beauty industry. Your list should include bloggers who are in the beauty space. This can include skincare, haircare, cosmetics, and so on.

Pro Tip: Make your list in a spreadsheet and put each criterion in its own row/column. This way you can sort and filter based on specific metrics.

#4: Find prospect email addresses

Now that you’ve got a list of bloggers, it’s time to find their contact info! This is arguably one of the most time-consuming parts of the outreach process. So here are a few tips to collect emails faster:

  • Use paid email lookup services
  • Subscribe to the prospect’s mailing list
  • Check social media profiles
  • Check contact pages
  • Reach out on social media and ask

When all else fails … take your best guess! But try not to send out too many emails that bounce.

#5: Write prospect descriptions

As you research bloggers, take notes about their content and personality. You can use this information to write up “prospect descriptions.” They’re like user personas or buyer personas. And they’re a way to get to know your target prospects.

Prospect descriptions make personalized pitches feel more organic. This is because it’s easier to write an email to someone you “know” than to someone you don’t.

#6: Come up with “bait”

There’s no such thing as a free lunch, right?

If you want bloggers to promote you, you have to offer something of value in return. And it doesn’t have to be money, either. It could be:

  • Free products
  • Free services
  • Discounts
  • VIP treatment
  • Free content for guest posts
  • List of useful topics

Don’t be afraid to get creative here. Best of all, you don’t have to offer the same “bait” to each blogger. You can mix and match based on their prospect descriptions.

#7: Identify the core message

There are two chances to hook a blogger’s attention.

The first is with the subject line. Keep it short, keep it sharp, and keep it punchy. The goal here is to get your prospect to OPEN the email.

The second is with the email body. Keep your message clear and put it up top. This means define what your angle is, and determine how you can benefit the blogger. The goal here is to get your prospect to RESPOND to the email.

How to Find the Right People for Blogger Outreach Programs

There are FIVE key strategies when it comes to blogger outreach. Follow these guidelines to find the best bloggers for your campaign.

#1: Connect and build trust

Do you know the prospect? Do you know anyone who might know them? Leverage those personal relationships that are already built on trust!

Don’t have any personal connections to a prospect? Follow them on social media, comment on their blog, engage! Doing so shows you’re interested in forming a partnership.

#2: Study the blogger

Take time to study the prospect. Read several of their blogs and make a list of key takeaways. Try to understand why they share the information they do.

You can also make a list of blogs they’ve already written that can map back to your product, service, or brand. This way, when you do “get an in” with someone, it shows you’ve done your research.

Plus, this step helps weed out bloggers you may not actually be interested in partnering with. For example, let’s say that you market vegan leather handbags. As you read through a blogger’s content, you may notice they prefer animal leather handbags.

#3: Be passionate

Passion shines through in blogger outreach emails. So don’t be afraid to share personal experiences (as long as they’re relevant).

But … don’t overshare. The key here is showing that you’re passionate, knowledgeable, and interested in a partnership. This message has to be short, too. In which case, think about WHY you’re passionate and boil that down into a sentence or two.

#4: Keep it simple

Your email has to be as simple as possible.

Keep the key points up top. Demonstrate value to the prospect early. And use bullet points if you need to.

Make sure each email is succinct and to the point!

Otherwise, you risk losing their attention or overloading them with too much info.

#5: Get creative

The truth here is that quality bloggers get emails like yours every day. They’re busy people, too. So don’t be afraid to get creative with your pitch — this is how you stand out in their inbox.

We recommend you highlight exactly how your brand, your product, or your service is unique. Maybe it’s sustainable, maybe it’s a new concept, maybe it’s more affordable. Whatever makes you stand out, put it in your email!

What are Blogger Outreach Methods?

There’s more than one way to approach blogger outreach strategy. Here are four common types of blogger outreach programs:

#1: Sponsored posts

sponsored post sample

Many bloggers offer sponsored post opportunities. This is where you get to publish a guest post on their website in exchange for a fee. These are also called paid promotion posts. Usually, brands include a backlink to their website in sponsored posts.

#2: Product reviews

product review

Let’s say you represent a brand that markets EDC tools (Everyday Carry tools). You can reach out to relevant bloggers who write review posts and ask them to review yours. Some bloggers may write a review in exchange for a free tool. Others may do so for a fee.

#3: Giveaways


Another great blogger outreach strategy is to sponsor a giveaway. Contact a relevant blogger and work together to develop a product giveaway campaign.

This technique is great for engagement — both for you, and the blogger.

Blogger Outreach Best Practices

When it comes to reaching out to bloggers, there are some best practices to follow.

First up, choose your bloggers wisely! Just because you CAN partner with a blogger doesn’t mean you SHOULD. The reason is because relevancy, audience, and quality matter. And they matter wayyyy more than just getting random links from random bloggers.

Second, craft your message. Whether you reach out via email or social media, it’s important you have a clear, concise message. This should include who you are, why you want to partner together, and what value you bring.

Pro Tip: Your message should highlight your brand or product’s unique selling point. Why are you different from your competitors?

Next, try to build real relationships designed to last. This means putting in the effort upfront like:

  • Dropping comments
  • Following on social media
  • Sharing their content

This not only puts you on a blogger’s radar, but it also shows you’re interested in a PARTNERSHIP.

Last, get creative and have some fun with it. Make your subject lines unique. Get targeted with the DMs. The more creative you get, the more likely you are to receive a response.

Blogger Outreach Case

Ready to see the process used by the best blogger outreach companies? Let’s unpack it with a successful case study.

Bigelow Tea partnered with two popular bloggers: Ashley Thurman of Cherished Bliss and Jess of A Million Moments.

Cherished Bliss readers were delighted with recipes made with Bigelow Tea. 

blogger outreach example

And A Million Moments readers learned how to make gift pots with Bigelow Tea packaging.

All in all, both bloggers together generated MORE than 32,000 blog engagements. This increased Bigelow Tea’s media value by more than 3X AND they saw an 18.5% increase in sales.

Moral of the story? Partner with relevant bloggers … and results you shall see!

Final Thoughts on Blogger Outreach Programs

Blogger outreach can lead to more backlinks, traffic, and sales. Sounds great, right? Here’s a quick recap on how to launch a successful outreach campaign:

  • Blogger outreach programs connect you with bloggers and, in turn, their followers
  • It’s a great way to reach new audiences and earn more backlinks and/or sales
  • Only partner with quality, relevant bloggers
  • Always personalize your outreach messages
  • Offer value to bloggers in exchange for access to their followers

Ready to take the first step? Book a call with an expert blogger outreach strategist for custom recommendations.

Want to learn more about backlinks, traffic, and search engine optimization? Check out the Loopex Digital blog for even more info, top tips, and resources. Remember to bookmark our blog and check back for updates.

Maria Harutyunyan

Our blog covers a combination of industry trends and professional insights from behind-the-scenes experiences. We provide weekly updates on link building, content marketing, on-site and technical SEO, and more! Sign up for our newsletter and join our LinkedIn to be on top of industry trends!

Maria Harutyunyan
Our blog covers a combination of industry trends and professional insights from behind-the-scenes experiences dealing with every aspect of SEO. We provide weekly updates on topics such as link building, content marketing, on-site and technical SEO and more! Don’t miss any industry updates by signing up for our newsletter! You’ll also receive exclusive SEO strategies and learn about industry secrets like:

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